*Herobrine Warrior now only breaks blocks in the most efficient path to get to the player Currently uses the beacon hum with changes in pitch. When activated with a Cursed Diamond it plays a creepy hum and when with a Purified diamond an ethereal hum. *Altar of Herobrine plays a sound when active. *Fake Herobrine Mages now make the poof particle and play a sound when killed indicating they are fake clones *Herobrine Spy now despawns when within 8 blocks of a player or survivor *All recipes now unlock in the crafting guide when materials are gathered and are grouped properly *All loot tables now use a random sequence introduced in 1.20 Pre-release 1 *Fixed Statue of Herobrine sometimes dropping an item when it shouldn't *Mod now uses a less compressed version of C418 - Dog

*Fix a bug causing a NullPointerException when trading with survivors which led to an exploit where the player could get any trade for free due to null sound events. +Added a config option to change the amount of durability taken from each use of a magical ability, defaulting at 10 +Cursed Diamond Axe now has a berserk ability that gives speed 2, haste 2, strength, and resistance for 30 seconds by default and has a 1 minute (1200 tick) cooldown by default +Cursed Diamond Shovel now has a silk touch effect on blocks it is applicable for +Added magical ability to Cursed Diamond Armor which adds status effects to the player when worn and has a full set bonus +Cursed Diamond Hoe now has a magical ability that fertilizes crops with a 500 tick cooldown which can be changed in the config +Cursed Diamond Pickaxe now automatically smelts blocks when mining +Cursed Diamond Sword now has a magical lightning strike attack charged by kills, the default number of kills to charge the sword is 5 which is configurable with a default of a 50 tick cooldown which is also configurable

*Made the error message for when world save data can not be written to a file easier to understand *When a fake herobrine mage is killed it now does not play the death "animation"

*Fake herobrine mages now despawn when the original is killed *Minor optimizations to activating an Altar of Herobrine *Items that can activate an Altar of Herobrine are now stored in the herobrine:activates_herobrine_altar item tag instead of being hardcoded *Lightning now only strikes an Altar of Herobrine when the status of Herobrine being summoned changes *Altar of Herobrine now has a sound for putting a cursed or purified diamond in the altar +The player can now remove cursed or purified diamonds from an altar of herobrine by right-clicking