The search is endless and the destination is unknown.

The sound effects are outstanding and in order to glorify the horror in a better manner, there are various puzzles included in the game that the child must solve so as get certain clues to reach his mother. This enhanced edition is supreme in itself, as there are better gameplay options, with stunning visuals as well. Therefore, the game takes on the adventure as well as the horror genre, with various effects of both good and bad indulging on the way. While embarking on this journey, the only thing that drives his motivation is the ultimate search of finding his mother. With greater strength and better accessibility, the player takes up the role of a very small child who is yet to learn the ways of ultimate survival. What does the enhanced edition comprise of? The hurdles are endless and there are some extraordinary and impressive characteristics that can actually help the players stay focused throughout. The storytelling starts with basic entrances, whereby the player is to search for his mother at all costs. This version of the game allows the player to instill a sense of confidence as the only element featured in the game is to search for a loved one, who is actually gone missing. With newly developed horror genre video game rising with better features, Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition PC Game likely brings forth qualities that the players can experience with full force.